Day 13 Prayer Poem by St. Catherine of Siena

Reminder to pray for your prayer concern now!

Rest In Prayer

The sun hears the fields talking about effort

And the sun


And whispers to


“Why don’t the fields just rest, for

I am willing to do


To help them


Rest, my dears,

In prayer.

St Catherine of Siena (1347-1380) from Love Poems from God (Daniel Ladinsky)

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If you have a favourite prayer quote, and would like to share it, contact me.

Bless you today!

Day 5 of Prayer Challenge: Prayer Poem

Reminder to Pray for your relationship prayer request!

Poem by Ted Loder, found in ‘Guerrillas of Grace’

I Have so Few Ways to Pray


I have so few ways to pray,

but you have so many ways to answer.

Keep me alert

to your unpredictable answers,

to your unexplainable surprises.

and by your grace,

make me one of those surprises,

for the sake of the One

who taught us the surprises

of moving mountains,

healing touches,

wondrous stories,

great banquets,

first suppers

broken bread,


and resurrections.

If you would like to comment, see below.

If you have a favourite prayer quote you would like to share, contact me.

Bless you today!



Copyright Lynda Chalmers