Thomas Keating…

Thomas Keating died on Friday, October 26th. He was such an amazing man, filled with humility and wisdom. His enfolding of others and, of course, both his teachings on centering prayer and recently welcoming prayer, have been so meaningful to me. I never met him in person but feel the loss keenly, nonetheless. He was a man like that. He knew a lot about the human condition and could weave psychology and biblical truths together in a wonderful way. His experience of God had such depth. He leaves behind a great legacy in my life as well as countless others around the world. An example to hold up for us all.

Day 30 Quote by Julian of Norwich

Reminder to pray for your relationship prayer concern now!

Congratulations on your perseverance in prayer. Hopefully you were touched along the way. Thanks for being a part of the 30 day relationship challenge! Watch for the next community event on this site. Not everyone began the challenge together so some of you are still continuing. Bless you as you continue.

All shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.

by Julian of Norwich

If you would like to comment, please see below.

If you have a favourite prayer quote, and would like to share it, contact me and I will add it to what we already have!

Bless you today!

Day 29 Prayer Quote from James

Reminder to pray for your relationship prayer concern now!

The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much James 5:16

If you would like to comment, please see below.

If you have a favourite prayer quote, and would like to share it, contact me.

Bless you today!


Day 28 Prayer Quote by Dale Carnegie

Reminder to pray for your relationship prayer concern now!

Dale Carnegie was asked, “what is the secret of your life?”  Dale Carnegie replied, “Every day I pray.  I yield myself to God, the tensions and anxieties go out of me and peace and power come in.

If you would like to comment, please see below.

If you have a favourite prayer quote, and would like to share it, contact me.

Bless you today!

Day 27 Prayer Quote by Reinhold Niebuhr

Reminder to pray for your relationship prayer concern now!

“God grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change,

courage to change things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”

Reinhold Niebuhr (American Theologian)

If you would like to comment, please see below.

If you have a favourite prayer quote, and would like to share it, contact me.

Bless you today!

Day 26 Quote by Corrie Ten Boom

Reminder to pray for your your relationship prayer concern now!

“Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?” – Corrie Ten Boom, devotional writer

If you would like to comment, please see below.

If you have a favourite prayer quote, and would like to share it, contact me.

Bless you today!

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Copyright Lynda Chalmers